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 Delaware family sets trap to nab teen joyriders

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Number of posts : 8362
Age : 51
Location : Alabama/Florida Gulf coast
Registration date : 2008-02-05

Delaware family sets trap to nab teen joyriders Empty
PostSubject: Delaware family sets trap to nab teen joyriders   Delaware family sets trap to nab teen joyriders I_icon_minitimeWed May 06, 2009 5:13 pm

NEW CASTLE, Del. – Two teens are in custody after a family set a trap to catch whoever was repeatedly taking their SUV in the middle of the night, driving it around and filling the tank up before returning it. The teens were arrested Sunday and charged with felony theft.

Several months ago, city police said the Acura MDX owner repeatedly smelled gas and tobacco in his car. He often noticed the gas gauge fluctuating dramatically.

So he put a motion sensor and alarm in the car. When the vehicle was driven away, the alarm went off and he called police.

Police said the teens found a spare set of keys inside the unlocked SUV several months ago and returned with the keys to take the car out for joyrides.
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Delaware family sets trap to nab teen joyriders
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