I made me a wasp catcher and that thing is catching the heck out of yellow jackets. It's so great that I just had to share it with y'all assholes so you could make yourself one and get in on the fun.
I took a little plastic jar with a screw-on lid. A two liter pop bottle or just about any kind of little plastic container will work. I cut some 1" pieces of clear plastic 1/4" ID tubing. You can get it at Lowes for 25ยข a foot. I found a piece of metal tubing just the right size and heated it up and melted the holes for the tubing. Then I put the tubing in the holes and secured them with hot glue. The tubing needs to be almost flush with the outside of the container. I punched some more little holes around the big holes to let more smell out. I used a hot nail for that. Then fill it a couple of inches deep with apple juice, sugar water, pieces of fruit, etc. I use sugar water with a couple of pieces of canned fruit in it.
Here's what I dumped out of it this morning: