I've been wanting a stove top smoker for a while now, but I just couldn't bring myself to cough up the money they want for them. So while reading about smokers I happened across this guy's web site
http://www.coquinaria.nl/english/recipes/smokedfish3.htmWell I did some digging around today because I had a whole chicken just begging to be smoked. Here's what I found.
A roaster we bought on clearance at Walmart for $4.00
A rack that was in a box of stuff I bought at the auction for $2.00.
A can of oysters I bought at the store. I needed 2 and they were $1.09 a piece.
I cut the handles off the rack and test fitted it in the roaster pan. It fit like a champ.
I lined the pan with foil so it would be easier to clean up. I put wood chips in the cans and placed the rack on top of the cans.
I seasoned the chicken and put it on the rack.
I put the lid on and covered it with foil to make a good seal.
I put it across 2 burners, and put the burners on medium heat for 2 hours. This is what the bird looked like when done.
The meat was falling off the bone, and with it all sealed up it more or less steamed the bird. It was just awesome!! The next time I'll cut down just a little on the wood. I'll probably put a couple spoon fulls of smoking sawdust instead of actual chips. I've got around $6.00 in the smoker copared to the $70 for a comercial stovetop smoker. Not bad for a hillbilly!!