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 Australian fire zone a crime scene; 166 killed

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Registration date : 2008-02-05

Australian fire zone a crime scene; 166 killed Empty
PostSubject: Australian fire zone a crime scene; 166 killed   Australian fire zone a crime scene; 166 killed I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 09, 2009 6:28 pm

WHITTLESEA, Australia – Police declared incinerated towns crime scenes Monday, and the prime minister spoke of "mass murder" after investigators said arsonists may have set some of Australia's worst wildfires in history. The death toll rose to 166.

There were no quick answers, but officials said panic and the freight-train speed of the fire front — driven by 60 mph winds and temperatures as high as 117 degrees Fahrenheit (47 C) — probably accounted for the unusually high toll.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, visibly upset during a television interview, reflected the country's disgust at the idea that arsonists may have set some of the 400 fires that devastated Victoria state, or helped them jump containment lines.

"What do you say about anyone like that?" Rudd said. "There's no words to describe it, other than it's mass murder."

From the air, the landscape was blackened as far as the eye could see. In at least one town, bodies still lay in the streets. Entire forests were reduced to leafless, charred trunks, farmland to ashes. Victoria police spokeswoman Christie Pengally said the death toll as of late Monday was 166..... more....;_ylt=An3NyqJXU6bu_tSER8CqnlZvaA8F
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Number of posts : 910
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Registration date : 2007-12-05

Australian fire zone a crime scene; 166 killed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Australian fire zone a crime scene; 166 killed   Australian fire zone a crime scene; 166 killed I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 10, 2009 7:45 pm

Just heard that the death toll was over 200 now.
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North Star
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North Star

Number of posts : 12875
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Australian fire zone a crime scene; 166 killed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Australian fire zone a crime scene; 166 killed   Australian fire zone a crime scene; 166 killed I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 11, 2009 9:46 am

I hope that they find the guilty and lock them up for good there are no use for people like this. Evil or Very Mad
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Australian fire zone a crime scene; 166 killed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Australian fire zone a crime scene; 166 killed   Australian fire zone a crime scene; 166 killed I_icon_minitime

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Australian fire zone a crime scene; 166 killed
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