"This is the first wine I ever made. It's a very easy recipe. Great for a first-timer!"
2 cans frozen 100% grape juice
1 gallon distilled water
3 ½ cups sugar
1 package yeast
1 glass gallon jug
1 punching balloon
1. Thaw grape juice and put in sterilized glass jug.
2. Warm distilled water to 110 degrees Fahrenheit and dissolve sugar in water.
3. Add yeast and mix well.
4. Using a funnel pour water/sugar yeast mixture into jug until about 1 inch from top.
5. Rinse inside of balloon.
6. Stretch balloon over bottle and tape it securely.
7. Put in a warm dark place; be sure to give room for the balloon to expand. It will get quite large.
8. After 30 days (or longer if you like) remove balloon and carefully strain wine with cheesecloth into another jug.
9. Enjoy!!!!