Well, I took a couple of pics around Fox Lake from June..
One day, I was fishing on the boat, the rainy was here so... I did caught a small pike so..
Cool pics of Rainbow on Fox Lake. It was my first time to see them too closer..
White Pelicans r still around here..
So I could not remember this pic, I caught a small pike while fishing for musky so..
One day, The bad storm was here.. While my dad and I were standing on the pier so we were looking at the clouds... They were doing rotation.. It was been tornado watch in our area so.
its not cool clouds...
Heavy rainy..
One day, my dad and I went fishing at uncles farm.. It was great time so but a few fish for dinner.
Carp... no we don't eat them..
A nice perch too..
Well, after fishing.. theres another storm was coming.... Ok, We think we had a enough with them lolol...
after the storm.. It was pretty alot rainy and blew the weeds away so.. I'm glad about it so its used to be too thick weeds and floating so its giving us a hard time to ride the boat out of them..
Well.. They also damaged my boat cover.. oh well I have to buy a new one...
One day, I went fishing on my boat at Fox Lake so fished for mix fish as panfish, walleye, bass and bullheads.. I kept 4 fish, two nice gills and two pig bullheads..
Well.. A small walleye.. oh well I tried my best I can... lolol
Cool sunset.
by my dads.. it was so calm as like a glass..