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 Priest fired for beating drug addicts

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Number of posts : 8362
Age : 51
Location : Alabama/Florida Gulf coast
Registration date : 2008-02-05

Priest fired for beating drug addicts Empty
PostSubject: Priest fired for beating drug addicts   Priest fired for beating drug addicts I_icon_minitimeWed May 27, 2009 1:13 pm

BELGRADE (Reuters) – The Serbian Orthodox Church has dismissed a priest running a treatment center for drug addicts after videos showed patients being kicked and punched.

Bishop Artemije, in charge of the Rasko-Prizrenska diocese, said he ordered an inquiry into the activities of priest Branislav Peranovic at the Crna Reka center, about 300 kilometers (187 miles) southwest of the capital Belgrade.

"We will shut down the facility if the reports about beatings and violence persist," Artemije said in a statement.

The bishop said he decided against closing it "after numerous pleadings by the patients and their parents."

"We are also asking state authorities to investigate the matter and punish those responsible," the statement said.

Last week, the Holy Synod, the church's top body, asked Artemije to shut down the center that houses about 200 patients near the southwestern city of Novi Pazar.

Two separate videos made public by Belgrade's Vreme weekly and B92 TV showed one of the centre's employees and Peranovic repeatedly beating patients with a shovel, and kicking and hitting them inside a room decorated with icons.

The government's human rights watchdog Sasa Jankovic has filed criminal charges against the center and Peranovic.

This week Serbian health authorities said the Crna Reka center was not registered to undertake drug rehabilitation.

Peranovic told B92 TV the beatings were a "hard and unwanted, but necessary part of treatment."

He said that on admission, patients and their parents had to sign a written consent approving the use of violence "for therapeutic purposes."
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PostSubject: Re: Priest fired for beating drug addicts   Priest fired for beating drug addicts I_icon_minitimeWed May 27, 2009 7:28 pm

He said that on admission, patients and their parents had to sign a written consent approving the use of violence "for therapeutic purposes."

Oh come on now... What the hell are these people talking about...... These parents and patients wouldn't have signed a statement like that.... I bet they have tried to forge something's to make it look like they signed the papers. I hope that they get everything that they deserve and more!~! Evil or Very Mad Priest fired for beating drug addicts 629730 Priest fired for beating drug addicts 182625 Priest fired for beating drug addicts 31271
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Number of posts : 2202
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PostSubject: Re: Priest fired for beating drug addicts   Priest fired for beating drug addicts I_icon_minitimeWed May 27, 2009 7:35 pm

Well with everything else we hear about the Preists doing,this shouldnt shock anyone I wouldnt thunk.
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Number of posts : 8362
Age : 51
Location : Alabama/Florida Gulf coast
Registration date : 2008-02-05

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PostSubject: Re: Priest fired for beating drug addicts   Priest fired for beating drug addicts I_icon_minitimeWed May 27, 2009 8:46 pm

Things are sure getting crazy these days.
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PostSubject: Re: Priest fired for beating drug addicts   Priest fired for beating drug addicts I_icon_minitime

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