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 sad but true

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Location : beaverdam,wi.
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sad but true Empty
PostSubject: sad but true   sad but true I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2010 6:37 pm

By Tom Held of the Journal Sentinel

Posted: June 3, 2010 5:04 p.m. |(0) Comments

The low oxygen level in a small pond in Holler Park killed several dozen perch and prevented county workers from stocking the water with fish for a weekend jamboree organized by the Easter Seals of Southeast Wisconsin.

"It could have been worse," said Dave Mueller, the supervisor of the fish hatchery at the Milwaukee County House of Correction.

Mueller said he planned to put 700 perch and sunfish in the pond at Holler Park but stopped immediately when the first batch struggled, then died. Algae, decaying weeds and warm water in the small pond depleted the oxygen level, he said.

The hatchery supplies fish for 18 ponds and lagoons in Milwaukee County parks. Roughly 30,000 were released over the last two weeks.

County parks officials said they would attempt to have the pond in Holler Park, 5151 S. 6th St., stocked after the pond regains its natural oxygen balance, likely in a few weeks.

An events organizer with Easter Seals said late Thursday that the group planned to go ahead with the jamboree.

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North Star
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North Star

Number of posts : 12875
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sad but true Empty
PostSubject: Re: sad but true   sad but true I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2010 7:48 pm

wow that sucks as most times when that happens once it will always happen till water levels and temp get normal again.
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Number of posts : 8362
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Registration date : 2008-02-05

sad but true Empty
PostSubject: Re: sad but true   sad but true I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2010 11:21 pm

It coulda been alot worse.
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PostSubject: Re: sad but true   sad but true I_icon_minitime

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